Data engineering for the Planet and Territories

For 26 years, we've been offering strong added-value solutions and mastering all imaging and IT technologies, from image data to complex software systems.

Over 150 clients rely on us!

Over 350 projects

We are involved in many French, European and international projects. Learn more about the projects in which we have participated or are currently participating.

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Join us!

We are currently looking for our future co-workers in many fields! Explore our job offers and start a new chapter in your career at Magellium Artal Group.

Our highly-developed expertises apply to many fields

Traitement d’image, cartographie, robotique, intelligence artificielle, géo-intelligence, développement logiciel, nous sommes une entreprise d’ingénierie qui œuvre dans les domaines les plus généraux comme des plus spécifiques de l’ingénierie.

Automation and Images

Earth Observation and Space Monitoring

Digital Geography

Software and Systems Engineering

Optimise the efficiency of your project with our turnkey solutions

Our solutions are designed to meet your most complex needs, in order to boost your project to success. Our solutions can be implemented according to your needs, ready to use or tailor-made.


efficient and complete solutions


proven technologies

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Discover the many sectors of activity in which we operate

From space and defense to security, transport, energy, environment and climate, we are present in a wide range of sectors. Can you find yours?


customers place their trust in us


different business sectors

About us

Magellium Artal Group has over 26 years' experience in data engineering, imaging and IT technologies. We use innovation and know-how to meet our customers' needs, even the most specific and complex. As an active player in our ecosystem, we advocate strong, meaningful values and give priority to achievable commitments and concrete actions.

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Magellium Artal Group blog

The DIANE project will provide a response to the proliferation of satellites and space debris in low-Earth orbit. Magellium Artal Group, in partnership with Thales Alenia Space, has been selected as part of the France 2030 plan for this project.
FLEX, ESA's hyperspectral mission, is designed to provide global maps of vegetation fluorescence.
Created under the impetus of Magellium, CS Group and vorteX-io, the consortium launches HydroVenture, the first operational space hydrology center for global water monitoring and management (supporting the France 2030 plan, the European Destination Earth program and contributing to the UN's water resource monitoring and early warning services).

Do you have any question?

We'll get back to you as quickly as the satellite data takes to reach the operator.

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